#familial reconcilliation
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mylastmoleculeofserotonin · 7 months ago
Can we take a moment to appreciate how well written and complex of a character Mae is? For the first 4 episodes, she just seems like a regular Sith/Dark Sider who hates the Jedi and wants to kill them, with hints that the Jedi may have wronged her in the past. However, in episodes 5 and 7, it becomes clear that her loyalty and motivations revolve around her family. When she thought her entire family had died, she set off to avenge their deaths, but when she saw that Osha was alive, she immediately abandoned that quest and betrays her master to try to reunite with her sister who she tried to shoot her on sight. But then, she gets trapped in the forest with Qimir and all she wants is to escape with Osha. However, when she realizes that the Jedi have outright lied to Osha about their family's death, she swaps places with her in an extremely desperate and risky attempt to get Qimir to un-brainwash her and tell her the truth so they have a chance at reconcilliation. Then, when they meet back on Brendok, Mae tries to tell Osha what happened, but when she sees that Osha is still brainwashed, she sets an elaborate trap to get Sol to confess to his crimes so that Osha will finally believe her. And when she does, she snaps and kills Sol and Mae is right by her side to help her accept what happens and to comfort her when she feels guilty about killing Sol. Then, when they realize that they can't escape together, Mae sacrifices her memories of everything, including her sister, the person who she loves the most and around whom her life revolves, in order to spare her from the Jedi. And if that isn't amazingly deep and complex characterization for a secondary antagonist, let alone a Star Wars character, I don't know what is.
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gingiesworld · 1 year ago
Family is Forever
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Wanda Maximoff x GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst. Fluff. Amab! Reader. Smut.
Wanda Maximoff and Y/N Y/L/N are divorcees, both are trying their best to co-parent the twins while the two work. Wanda works part time at Harkness Cafè so she is able to be home in time for the twins while Y/N works for Stark Industries, full time.
The two had drifted apart as Y/N spent a lot of time at work on a ground breaking project. The love never went away that the two shared, although they never really had the time for each other. So they settled on divorce as Y/N moved out, moving in with their best friend until they found their own apartment, leaving Wanda with the home they had built together.
Both working amiccably in raising the two boys, although Wanda had her doubts, Y/N never let the twins down. Always attending their games or competitions, cheering them on in the crowd before celebrating by treating them to their favourite restaurant.
But as time goes on and Y/N gets a transfer out of New Jersey, will Wanda and Y/N be able to work things out.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
AN: This is another small story idea I do have, sort of like a reconcilliation fic without any cheating or loss of love. I will be posting the first chapter after Kinktober is over.
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tanoraqui · 1 year ago
an important addendum is that… okay so, Finrod was a very friendly king to his people, by which I mean when he did the classic imperious, “come in, sit down—don’t worry about your bags, [secretary] will take them”, it was actually more often, “don’t worry about your bags—[secretary], can you take them?” and it was an implied order but the question was still genuine, and genuinely implied even when it wasn’t stated. If, say, Edrahil was really busy with something else in the moment (join me in the ‘Edrahil was Finrod’s secretary’ headcanon!), it was fine, he could get the bags later or find someone else to do it. He trusted his people to manage themselves, and never sought to inconvenience them beyond reason.
But it was an implied order given and question asked with the underlying assumption that if Edrahil was standing there, it meant he was ready to jump to whatever his king asked of him. That the answer to “can you do this?” would always be “yes”, for the respect, loyalty, and dare-I-say love that Finrod’s people bore him.
That’s the exact tone in which Finrod says, “I’m sure Curufin can help you with that!”, with regards to redesigning—with community input and general consent!—the most hellish series of intersections and roundabouts in Tirion; then turns to Curufin and says, “You were just telling me that you were looking for a new project. How about turning your hand to roadwork?”
At some point, climbing slimily out of a sewer he’s been volunteered to scour of giant, potentially Dark-infected rats, Celegorm growls a demand to know how much longer this is going to go on.
Finrod, sitting comfortably on a nearby park bench, here to meet him for lunch, says warmly, “I told you, until the End of Days! Or, about ten years is fair, I think.” (The length of time that the Fëanorians took refuge in Nargothrond, ere they all but usurped its king.)
#finrod's mean girl act here has been permanently imprinted into my brain i hope you know that op #he's so mean but so kind#he is going to kill them with kindness :) #absolutely the definitive finrod and c&c post re-embodiment take
@tobermoriansass re: you tags on this post: I'm SO glad it stuck with you, because, non-humbly, it IS so good. Finrod has all of public opinion on his side; he is the hero that history remembers, and Celegorm and Curufin are the villains. People who see him being kind and welcoming to them will think him even better for it, and them so much worse if they still respond with bitter anger or betrayal. People who realize he's rubbing their noses in it will think they deserve the punishment and Finrod, tbh, deserves the fun, and if the Fëanorions can't accept some mild public submission and humiliation, that just shows they're still as terribly prideful as ever. If they can prove themselves humble to the latter and equally amiable to the former, it genuinely WILL help them enormously - so now they're also obliged to be grateful to Finrod, adding debt of gratitude to their preexisting debt of repentance (several times over, what with the multiple kinslayings of his kind and dear allies). Win win win for Finrod, lose lose lose for Curufin and Celegorm, except also win for them, which makes the losing even more bitter. They’re not supposed to be bitter about it because they’re supposed to be Reformed(TM).
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kenandeliza · 11 months ago
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For the about me section: here is the post
Ideas that have not been made into comics so far.... (a reminder for KD to actually draw them instead of being a lazy bum)
Fawcett citizens think that marvel has bad eyesight because he squints a lot, Marvel is confused. When they put on glasses on him, his dot eyes opens. This confuses marvel and the citizens even more (explanation: he does his out of instinct from seeing his dad with squinty eyes) based on mutual's post
Reconcilliation: Mary and Billy vs Kit and Freddy
Guardian Angel
CM signing Freddy's Baseball bat
Billy in an electric chair
Bio dad bruce wayne
Silly caller
Freddy Freeman Meets Freddy Fazbear
Freddy accidentally made a gang
A comic about Captain Marvel being oblivious about the women who's flirting with him, this caused Junior to talk out of his ass "He's still mourning you idiots!", this made people believe that the wife has passwed away and captain marvel hasn't moved on yet, this can lead to a misunderstanding with Black Canary with counseling marvel [Marvel is talking about his mom and how he misses her but BC thought he was talking about his wife]. Mary proceeds to slap Jr because of his impulsiveness
What If the suspendium didn't happen? :The Marvel Family grows up normally, starts with young child reading a book to a grandpa
Marvel gives his blessing
Billy gets cancelled
Captain Marvel snoring like a dad and Billy snoring (honk mimimimi) based on this post
Mary teaching Billy about Table Manners before meeting her adoptive mother
Mary being invited on the Wayne Gala, Billy and Freddy shenanigans ensued (they thought the wayne kid is hitting on their sister)
Mary Blackmailing Marvel to wear a tiger onesie
Young Justice meets CMJ
Crack comic: Billy Boasting over Superman because he got to join the army as Captain Marvel once but Supes didnt just because of an eye exam failure
Kid Eternity's Birthday
[Needs polish] A scenario after Batman adopted Billy, Billy told Freddy and Mary about it, Freddy has a flashback where he got adopted by rich parents and the snobby high school experience back in Captain Marvel Jr , probably ends with Junior confronting Batman to not send Billy to a hoity toity rich private school
The Marvel Family and how they handle publicity
Freddy picking up Billy's swearing habits "Holey Moley" (continues where the publicity comic ends)
Billy and his Caprisun
Billy and Freddy had a fall out but everyone else interpreted it as Junior undergoing teenage rebellion and proceeded to give the captain parenting advices [Pre Teen Parent Billy]
Post suspendium Billy in the modern DC world shenanigans (1950s boy meets 2000s)
Fawcett Toon Headcanon
Celebrity AU : Billy would post a banger song by accident online (not with his real name of course) and would later monetize it
Movie billy meets Golden Age Comic Billy/Movie Freddy meets Golden Age comic Freddy
The many hairstyles of Freddy Freeman
What if Bruce Wayne is Captain Marvel
The crooks that the Marvel Family caught discuss about how they got caught
Big Brother Billy Batson
Courtney x Billy Batson scenario
Fawcett city newsboys
Billy adopts a baby
A supersons Oneshot Comic
Premise: Jon and Damian wanted to see the new Fredbear's pizzeria Movie but the clerk said they're too young to enter. With Jon being 10 and Damian not looking like his age (13).
many shenanigans ensued as they attempt to enter the movie theatre before a new villain who can bring horror movie characters to life appears!
Can the two save the theatre when they're facing against slashers, Chainsaw killers, and a Horror-knockoff of Superman?!
A livewire vs Captain Marvel Comic
Connor had a nightmare where Jon had a zoomer haircut when he grows up
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p2ii · 7 months ago
rereading the astro boy 03 manga I feel like in a weird, roundabout way. dying was the best thing to happen to daichi.
like as fucked up as it is, it was the wake up call for his dad that lead to his reconcilliation, acceptance and advocacy for his (now robotic) son. and their arc ties up really nicely as the other half of "what could happen"/"what could have been" narrative parallel between them and atom/Tenma.
but also the detail that it's through association with Tenma (being 'reborn' by his hand) that atom is his brother.
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is so fascinating.
in a way, atlas finds another family, finds community, though through the shared oppression of robotkind. while he does come into himself and carve a bit of freedom into his highly controlled and isolated life by joining his gang, it's through letting go of his humanity that he has the power and personal agency to truly feel free from his father.
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ahamkara-apologist · 1 year ago
Okay I kinda get being dissapointed at how they rushed the Sov sibling reconcilliation with just one conversation after drawing it out for months but y'all...this really isn't the end-all-be-all of Crow's character arc, nor is it necessarily out of line for him. His biggest weakness is that he's a bleeding heart who lets people walk all over him- remember how he decided not to get revenge on Spider despite Spider very literally keeping him as a slave? Or how he killed a psion because he was too empathetic to a hive guardian? As much as I love him, and as much as his love is a terrifying force when weilded correctly, he's soft and weak. He always has been. He was bound to forgive Mara eventually, esp. since they have a psychic twin bond going on.
I think y'all are also forgetting the fact that Mara has had quite a bit of character development over the past year or so and has very notably been more open about her emotions and better about keeping herself out of Crow's life- because she got bitchslapped by the reality of what she'd done to him in Season of the Lost and then got shaken to the core by her confrontation with the Witness in Witch Queen. She hasn't been 'defanged', she realized that the way she was acting qualified her to be a Disciple (aka the worst of the worst, the enemy she'd been hellbent on fighting this whole time) and that in tandem with Crow's rejection upset her deeply enough for her to change her behavior, which hasn't been as apparent until now. Idk how y'all can forgive how Uldren Sov slaughtered hundreds of Awoken citizens and wreaked havoc on the Reef but is changed as Crow without also acknowledging the fact that Mara herself changed as well. It's not as dramatic of a difference because it happened more gradually and without intervention from a Taken Ahamkara and the Traveller, but its still there and is the most apparent its ever been right now. It wouldn't surprise me if the reason why Crow is forgiving her now- apart from the fact that he's a softie and discounting potential Riven bullshit- is because she's proven she's changed by both keeping her distance and being more emotionally open with him, as well as open about how she knows she fucked up. That's the second thing Uldren wanted other than her approval, after all.
Also, it's been like, 2 years of Crow being pissed at Mara and avoiding her, so them starting to make up now is kinda necessary even if it feels a bit rushed. I personally would have loved to see more snark and nettling from Crow's end, bc I love conflict and sibling angst, but it really isn't out of character nor is it throwing away Crow's character arc. It would have if Mara hadn't changed, but she has. And while I myself love storylines where victims don't need to forgive their abusers and can exert their wrath upon them as they wish, the fact of the matter is that how such a situation needs to be dealt with varies immensely on a person-to-person basis, which the writing team has already proven they're capable of understanding. Just look at Calus's and Caiatl's relationship! That ended with no reconcilliation because Calus simply refused to change, while Mara has spent the past year trying to get Crow to feel comfortable with her as an equal in conversations and open up to him more and trying to break her habit of watching him like a hawk- aka, acting like an actual sister rather than the pseudo-mother figure she'd picked up from Osanna. Ofc Crow the softie is going to respond to that, esp. since he's got a psychic connection to her via Awoken Twin Magic and seems to have been walking Uldren's memories as of late. He just genuinely is really fucking bad at holding a grudge.
(And while its easy to go 'oh the writing is lazy and rushed', I also think its kinda sus that Riven specifically talks about the human wish to reconnect with family right after the Sov sibling talk happens. It wouldn't surprise me if she picked up on Mara's desire to reconnect with her brother and pushed Crow towards forgiving her. It seems like she's been trying to pull Uldren's memories to the forefront everytime she talks with him and that could be a big factor as to why he's been reflecting on them a lot recently)
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a-sunset-outside-my-window · 8 months ago
fic rec friday
It Runs in the Family
by Trex_patronus on Ao3
“You’re in sodding Azkaban, stupid. What’s so bloody funny about that?” The laughter slowly died, either from the realization of where he was, or from the lack of a patronus as the aurors left. “Regs? What are you doing here?” ---------- In which Regulus' plan to keep sane in Azkaban is ruined by the arrival of a cellmate.
So we all know the meme where Barty meets Sirius in Azkaban and basically tells him 'We all know you didn't do it, btw' right? So this fic sort of has that vibe, but with Regulus instead! I really like this one, (and all the follow up fics) so so much. Definitely a must read if you are into exponentially fluffier fics and reconcilliation.
favourite tropes included are:
Black brother shenanigans
Growing toghether
Fixing what is broken
Sibling bonding
Hurt (so much hurt) and comfort
Talking about your feelings is a (somewhat) healthy manner
As always, leave lots of love and kudos to the author and have an amazing rest of the week <3
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octopath-traveler-takes · 14 days ago
in light of my own take earlier and star's submission, pls consider:
demisexual-spec temenos mistral AND hikari ku. the two having vague conversations on the subject, neither fully knowing they ARE demisexual (as in they don't carry the label), but both experiencing feelings on the spectrum.
DARE I SAY they have a reconcilliation at some point, at the dark corner of an inn, the scene illuminated by a faint lantern. most of their fellow travellers have headed off to bed by now (or have otherwise preoccupied themselves, such as throné, who i highly doubt gets a full 10 hours of sleep every night). and them talking about mutual losses and what it is to mourn, and to move on - to face the dawn ahead and keep the light shimmering bright.
temenos' own experiences with temenos, the pontiff, and roi — contrasted with hikari's ones with tsuki, jigo, kura, ritsu, and (later) his brother and kazan. they both know what it is to bear the loss of loved ones and to have frayed platonic and familial bonds. they could both *be there* for one another, in differing ways that are uniquely personal to each instance and one another (if this sort of topic was a reoccurring thing for them)
ok thank u. that is my wisdom. i wont get hit by a car this ti- [walks headfirst into a pole, gets a concussion]
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saccharinescorpion · 1 year ago
Sorry OP, feel free to ignore this ask but I need more context. I watched a playthrough of the dlcs, and I'm now checking the wiki, and the reactions to your post really confuse me. Why are people talking about Carmine as if she's this awful person. People are talking about Carmine like she is constantly bullying and belittling her brother??? When she actually goes out of her way to try to not make him feel bad??? Which is really hard because Kieran has a lot of insecurities and it leads him to assume people want the worst for him???
Am I missing something? Is there a secret subtext of "Carmine is actually really mean to her brother behind our back and that's why he's Like That" I missed or are people just making stuff up?
lol, i think you've understood more than most people who've played the game
now, to be fair to those people: Carmine REALLY does have an attitude problem, as well as a terrible temper lol (but that's what makes her so entertaining!... in my opinion) and since Kieran is the character she interacts with the most that's who has to bear the worst of her bad traits, especially when he pushes back at her. in addition, Carmine is the older sibling, so i think we have a natural instinct to side with or at least feel sympathetic towards Kieran since we see him as the "weaker" party in the dynamic. their designs and animation only reinforce this- Carmine is tall and has a lot of aggressive body language and poses. meanwhile, Kieran is introduced peeking out from behind his sister, like he's literally hiding behind her. he's short, hides under his hair, has a lot of more drawn-in body language, he's a scrunky scrimblo wimbo meow meow wet little so on and so on
so, for the record, i think it is by at least some design that we are meant to "root" for Kieran, but i think that also ignores a lot of more subtle writing- "subtle," i say, but in my opinion, it's pretty obvious, lmao. Pokemon is a series for children. but yeah, the big one is that after time it becomes really apparent that a lot of Carmine's attitude is born out of deeper things- she's harsh and kind of controling towards Kieran in a misguided display of her protectiveness towards him, her hostility towards visitors to Kitakami is born of a worry of tourists turning their home into some sort of attraction
this is dipping into headcanon territory, but i think it's also a little subtextual that Carmine's overblown pride is her trying to overcompensate for what she inteprets as being looked down on or mocked. my big thing for this is the fact that Kieran speaks with a "Kitakami dialect" (based on real Japanese dialects associated with rural areas) but Carmine doesn't. (supposedly there's some random dialogue where she talks about this but i haven't seen it myself yet) since Carmine has been at the (ritzy, attended by a lot of students from important families) Academy longer than Kieran, i've always interpreted this as her trying to intentionally not be the kid from the sticks that talks in an "uncool" way
(incidentally i looked up 'Kieran dialect' and found someone else talking about this https://twitter.com/PokeSuutamie/status/1698625784775430234)
and finally- this may just me speaking from experience- but i always thought that a lot of Carmine and Kieran's issues clearly are really heightened by the fact they're teenagers? lol? puberty dials all your emotions up to 110% and smashes all delicacy with a sledgehammer. Carmine is TRYING to help Kieran but all of her feelings are constantly at a boil. and meanwhile, as you said, Kieran's self-esteem issues constantly lead him to project on other people and assume that everyone's mocking him or looking down at him, and i think that makes people forget that he has problems with being overdramatic and lashing out too (THIS IS NOT ME SAYING KIERAN IS A BAD CHARACTER DON'T YELL AT ME)
and for the record, as much as i love Carmine, i think that GF really dropped the ball on her reconcilliation with Kieran and her overall role in Indigo Disk, which may also be a factor in players being less sympathtic to her, but i already spent way too long on this and talking about my mixed feelings on Indigo Disk will probably double this post's length lol
in short, while i have some mixed feelings on Scarlet/Violet's overall story, i definitely can't say the character writing is bad. i think they're really making an effort to think about why each character acts the way they do and what they're actually thinking/trying to do. so i think we players should, in turn, approach them with the nuance they deserve
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waterloggedsoliloquy · 1 year ago
Per Aspera Ad Astra Update!
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It's time for a reconcilliation and a family reunion!
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saltyslime · 24 days ago
spoilers + thoughts
GUARDBO REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEIR TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also i LOVE the skit its so great <3<3 hes a bitch about it but the fact that he even agreed to it and sassed him about it is beutiful. he loves his stupid fucking looser boyfriend so much <3<3 still no name but what can we even expect from cc evbo tbh- also SEAWATT!!!!! but also s e a w a t t....... it was fun while it lasted guardbo nation..... seavbo has arived and they will slaughter us all..... im hoping that if we pull a polykour we can survive the onslaught......but seavbo is already way more popular than mavbo so i think were fucked....... theres not even guardbo on other platforms out side of like 2 people its just us fighting on here..... sigh..... maybe seawatt will get like a hot secondary character we can ship him with instead.... please...... it wont happen and seavbo will reign suppreme but MAN also PARROT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO zam probably killed his ass but since its offscreen we can hope- please????? they JUST got better and started bonding again i want evbo to have his mentor figure...... fambily......for me??? please????? parrot evbo fambly for me??????? Clown Tabi powerduo is so fucking awesome tho- REEEEAAAALLLLYYY hope they have like a semi redemable reason for the whole "lets kill everyone" thing bc I WANT TAVBO RECONCILLIATION PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE- PLEASE TELL ME SHE LOVES HIM AND WANTS TO BE HIS FRIEND STILL!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE LET THEM BE FRIENDS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! the intro animatic was also so cute<3<3 hes such a silly little guy<3<3<3 the tabi fistbump also killed me HE STILL LOVES HER AND WANTS TO BE HER FRIEND DESPITE EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!! also minutech refusing to fistbump him is so funny- he just went "no" but then hes like "ugh fine here" and buys evbo things and evbo says their all like a family and UUEUEUEUE HE FINNALY HAS A PLACE HE CAN CALL HOME AND PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT HIM AFTER ALL THIS TIME!!!!! THE DIMOND SWORDS ALL LOVE AND CARE ABOUT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY ARE FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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wizisbored · 6 months ago
11 and 12 for the fic ask game!
11 - Are there any tropes that you particularly enjoy writing?
the thing about that is i have a general obliviousness and lack of pattern recognition that means i have no idea what is or isnt a trope. im aware of things i like to include in my writing, no idea if theyre tropes. is 'teenage girl and guy who is not qualified to be her guardian have a fucked up dynamic' a trope?? whos to say. not me. i sure do like writing it tho.
12 - Are there any clichés or tropes that you actively avoid in your fics?
ok i think i know what a cliche is at least. i try to avoid forgiveness/reconcilliation (particularly of family) being some Moral Good - particularly in firstborn, it was a point that lydia will never forgive her dad and she should not have to. and a big one is avoiding having characters heal from things (physially or mentally) too fast or too completely, because that really fuckin annoys me. thats what the entirety of bitb2 is about, in 3 different ways. the first fic had a happy ending, but lydias TBI, poor mental health, and strained relationship with her father dont all neatly get fixed within the last chapter. they get better, but its not all solved
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limpfisted · 1 year ago
when cazador said “what is a family but monsters you are obligated to love”
and karlach said “a gift from mummy. i am never. EVER going back.”
and when shadowheart said “this is proof she loves me. she wants to protect me.” and tav could say “that sounds like abuse.”
and when lae’zel tells you she wants to be purified, and when she can’t be—something must have been sabotaged, she must bow and confess to a queen that then tries to kill her as you [smile and wave.]
and when wyll said “the joy of reconcilliation, the anxiety and pull of [my father’s] great expectations.”
and when you can perception check lae’zel and she says there is now a lack in her, a sadness in her, and the star, her home, seems so much emptier than they were before.
and when astarion says “what cazador did was wrong because he did it TO ME.”
and when wyll says to astarion they are different because “i chose this. i chose my pact.”
and when halsin says there are more variations in the world than we know about.
and when origin wyll can only say “of course i will go and save my father.” not because he loves him, bc the narration says his father haunts his bitter dreams—but because “he is my flesh and blood.”
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wipbigbang · 2 years ago
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This is Round Two of the Artist Claims for the 2023 round of WIPBB. You may claim up to three fics this round. If you want only one fic, please fill out the form once with your top choices. If you want two fics, fill out the form twice with your first choice in the first form submission with one unique ID and the second choice in another submission with a different unique ID.
The synopses are located at https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/172201.html
The form is located at https://forms.gle/ES2D3d2mTG1nU4Pk6.
Round two of the art claims will go on until July 1st.
The Untamed/MDZS (Part 2)
Title: Fixation
Pairing/Characters: poly Jiang Cheng/Jin Ling/Lan Xichen is the endgame ship and those characters/relationships are the focus (also contains some Jin Ling/Lan Jingyi and (past) Lan Xichen/Jin Guangyao)
Rating Explicit | E
Warnings/Tags: Non-con/Rape, incest, dubcon, unhealthy/toxic relationship dynamics, suicidal thoughts
One of the main ships is uncle/nephew incest. Also, to clarify, the full on non-con is backstory and off-screen, but the on-screen relationships are not at all healthy and a character has a panic attack about the past trauma triggered by on-screen dub-con elements and communication of his needs in bed being ignored/steamrolled, and there is discussion of his past trauma and also just dub-con elements going in all directions both intentional and not.
The suicidal thoughts are brief and not dwelled on.
Other, more general tags include: proxyfucking, messy polyamory, abandonment issues, panic attacks/ptsd, angst, smut, angst with a happy ending, characters forgiving each other for things they probably shouldn't, age gaps, obsession/possessiveness.
Summary: After a three year incestuous relationship, Jin Ling's uncle abruptly abandons him out of guilt and 'for his own good'. He spends the next decade trying to pick up the pieces of his heart and move on, with little success. He has just started to form a more healthy relationship with Lan Xichen - whom he'd gone to for mutual proxyfucking when Jiang Cheng first left him - when Jiang Cheng suddenly shows up in his life again. Jin Ling has missed him, and does want him back, but it's going to be on his own terms, this time. Unfortunately, 'his own terms' becomes entitlement and punishment and taking things too far with disastrous consequences for all three of them.
Title: Love in bloom
Pairing/Characters: Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén/Niè Míngjué
Rating Teen | T
Warnings/Tags: No Warnings apply
Angst with a happy ending, pining, emotional hurt/comfort, past homeless Wei Wuxian, single parent Wei Wuxian, Toddler A-Yuan, modern au, wei wuxian's life adapted into modern times is still a warning all of it's own lol, cynophobia, Jiang Cheng is not the best in this but it'll end hopeful for reconcilliation, in general Jian family critical but doesn't focus on it much.
Summary: Lan Wangji has a quiet but full life, he has his brother and their flower shop, his friends, and his rabbits. He doesn't feel like anything is missing, until a beautiful man and his adorable son move in next door above the Nie's tattoo shop.
A story about learning how best to care for someone through their troubles while you're pining hard enough to fill a forest.
Title: Platonic Romances, Emotional Affaires, and Other Remedies
Pairing/Characters: Wen Qing/Qin Su | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian | Lan Wangji & Qin Su | Wei Wuxian & Wen Qing
Rating Mature | M
Warnings/Tags: Chooses not to use Warnings
Canonical CWs such as implied past incestuous relationship, past MCD, Angst with a Happy Ending, Misunderstandings, Hurt/Comfort, etc.
Summary: After Wei Wuxian’s death, life for Lan Wangji takes a dramatic turn. The same can be said for Qin Su when she discovers her lover of the time is in fact her half brother. She escapes him, pregnant. She runs into Hanguang-jun who helps her out maybe more than she asked for. Years later, Wei Wuxian returns and it’s not to what he expected considering his best friend is now at the will of JGY and his other is married and has a family and his other best friend is a fierce corpse under JGY’s control.
Wen Qing, a fierce corpse, is given few options but she has to fulfill his demands in order to protect her younger brother. But how challenging could that be when the request is only to retrieve his run-away wife?
Title: Show & Tell
Pairing/Characters: Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji/Jiang Cheng, Lan Wangji/Nie Huaisang
Rating Explicit | E
Warnings/Tags: Underage
Voyeurism (technically nonconsensual but lwj finds it hot later), Exhibitionism, lan wangji has a vulva, Bottom Lan Wangji, Top Wei Wuxian, Top Jiang Cheng, Top Nie Huaisang
Summary: Wei Wuxian spies on Lan Wangji and finds out that he has a pussy. It's surprisingly easy to convince him to show it to the other guys. Authors Note: This is an MDZS canon fic, not a The Untamed fic. The author wanted this clarified.
Title: Til Death Do Us Part
Pairing/Characters: poly Jin Ling/Jiang Cheng/Jin Guangyao
Rating Explicit | E
Warnings/Tags: Non-con/Rape, incest, suicidal ideation
Other general tags include: time travel fix it, canon divergence, everyone (you care about) lives, wedding fic, wedding sex, secret (incest) wedding, threesome, smut, angst, angst with a happy ending
Notes on the rape tag: I'm tagging it this for two reasons. One is that two of the characters have experienced violent rape in the past, and while it *probably* won't come up in any explicit detail in this fic but it very much does in the series as a whole and may be referenced. The second reason is that while it doesn't happen on-screen in this installment of the series, one of the main conflicts of this series has been Jin Ling's deception of Jiang Cheng while they are in a relationship, causing them to breakup at the end of the last (already published) fic when Jiang Cheng discovers that he'd intentionally withheld information about himself to keep Jiang Cheng from finding out that their relationship is incestuous because he does not want him to reject him for this reason as the Jiang Cheng in Jin Ling's timeline had (temporarily). Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng getting back together in this installment involves Jiang Cheng forgiving him for rape by deception and while it's not explicitly spelled out as that I think it deserves a warning. Jin Ling's actions aren't *intentionally* malicious, they're driven by fear, loneliness and selfishness, but he sure does know he's doing a bad thing and rationalizes it away until Jiang Cheng is very, very obviously and badly hurt by it.
Summary: This fic is the 5th installment of a series (first 4 are already published here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2835754) in which a 40yo, very powerful Jin Ling time travels to the past to prevent some terrible things. Something goes wrong, he arrives years later than he meant to and gets stranded, and decides to build a life for himself and fix what he still can.
He keeps his identity a secret, joins the Jiang sect, and enters into an incestuous relationship with Jiang Cheng, his uncle, who in this world is younger than him and has absolutely no idea they're related, as Jin Ling himself has not yet been born.
He does his best to keep his loved ones from befalling the same fates as before, to varying levels of success, and spends years living this new life.
In the last installment Jin Ling convinces Jiang Cheng and Jin Guangyao to marry to keep the latter safe. Jiang Cheng discovers who Jin Ling actually is and breaks off their relationship, kicking him out, telling him he needs space to decide if he even wants to speak to him again. Jin Ling leaves, and Jiang Cheng decides to go through with the marriage to Jin Guangyao anyway.
This last installment is focused on the romantic relationship developing between Jiang Cheng and Jin Guangyao as they plan their wedding, and Jiang Cheng's lingering/Jin Guangyao's budding feelings for Jin Ling, who is trying to find a way back to his original timeline, since he is no longer wanted in this one.
Title: Trials and Tribulations
Pairing/Characters: Wei Ying (Wei Wuxian) / Lan Zhan (Lan Wangji)
Rating Mature | M
Warnings/Tags: Graphic Violence, Abuse, Physical Abuse , Mental Abuse , Dubious Consent (both parties) , miscarriage
Descriptions of abuse , miscarriage , omegaverse , mpreg , heats , medical treatment
Summary: When Lan Wangji volunteers to take part in a new scientifc trial, a sign of his familys faith in the recent partnership with Jiang Solutions, the last thing he expects is to be paired with his old classmate Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji can't help but hope he'll finally be able to overcome his own stoney alpha exterior, and form some sort of connection with Wei Wuxian. Only to have the hope shattered when Wei Wuxian tells him they're obviously a placebo group. While the drug is desgined to help form pack bonds without the antiquated mating bite or a blood relation, they're too valued as family members to risk if something goes wrong. Without it, Lan Wangji fears his attempts will be as doomed as when they were younger. With a little encouragement from his brother, Lan Wangji decides to use their weekly hour meeting to try to connect with Wei Wuxian. But the more they meet, the more something seems off. Wei Wuxian seems to be far from the carefree boy Lan Wangji knew, instead almost coming off a skittish. As bruises and realizations grow, these two have a long way to go before they can find a happy ending.
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anoras · 2 years ago
started thinking abt ade's backstory 👁️👁️
warning for illness and mention of child death
she was rebellious, according to her family's standards, and when she was young she fell in love with a human merchant, isaac, much poorer than her family, someone they considered "beneath her station"
she's... elf equivalent of mid-late 30s? and the middle child of a noble family in baldur's gate. she's been gone from the city for at least 20 years i think.
she married him anyway, for love, and her family disowned her.
they were happy though, and loved each other dearly, and three years later, they welcomed a daughter, Amina, into the world. ade sent letters to her family, telling them about her daughter, and the happiness of the life she was living, but reconcilliation never came. only her younger sister ever responded to her letters, but even then, she didn't risk the wrath of the rear of their family but visiting.
however, the simple life she had made for herself came crashing in around her only five years after her daughter was born. isaac and amina both fell suddenly, and severely, ill with a sickness that had been sweeping through their neighborhood. just as chance saved ade from the illness, chance would take both from her with a callous swiftness. both her husband and daughter passed from the illness, leaving ade alone and grieving.
grief sent her from the home she had built with isaac, taking her to temples and churches, places of faith and divine power, in some hope that perhaps she could find a way to bring them back to her - though she knew the hopes were futile
after months of aimless grieving, she found herself at a small temple in the wilderness that she had heard of in the market one day. it was small, and grown over with plant life in a way that seemed intentional, and it's dedication was not to one, but to many gods; divinities of nature, of life, and of death.
it was here she would finally find her own peace - not a loss of her grief, but am acceptance of it. she would never fully be without her grief over her loss, but she could move forward, forge ahead, and allow the memory of her family to walk beside her; a companion, rather than an unbearable weight.
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hjellacott · 2 years ago
Slim-down Monarchy
For those who don't get it and are like ChArLeS dOeS hIs SiBlInGs DiRtY, a slim-down monarchy, as he wants, does NOT mean:
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It means:
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To illustrate even better, here's the line of succession at the moment (WITH THOSE WHO ALSO ARE WORKING ROYALS IN BOLD):
1. The Prince of Wales
2. Prince George of Wales
3. Princess Charlotte of Wales
4. Prince Louis of Wales
5. The Duke of Sussex
6. Prince Archie of Sussex
7. Princess Lilibet of Sussex
8. The Duke of York
9. Princess Beatrice, Mrs. Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi
10. Miss Sienna Mapelli Mozzi
11. Princess Eugenie, Mrs. Jack Brooksbank
12. Master August Brooksbank
13. The Duke of Edinburgh
14. Earl of Wessex
15. The Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor
16. The Princess Royal
Now, what King Charles III wants is to keep things small, narrow and simple, as much as possible, because the more working royals, the more the tax-payer has to pay, but also the more work the Royal Family can do. But obviously those of us tax-payers in the UK really don't want to be giving them more money.
So King Charles wanted to have less working royals (he currently has those put in bold, plus spouses, plus himself and his wife, and some of the late Queen Elizabeth II's cousins with royal titles). The normal thing is for a monarch to have siblings and children who, if they're adult, are all working royals. This is because the standard is for the monarch to name his children working royals, and once they die, that means those other children are the new monarch's siblings.
So some of Queen Elizabeth's cousins are working royals because back in the day they were probably made working royals by their grandparents when they were royals (much like Prince William was made working royal as the Queen's grandson). You don't lose the job unless you want to, or you leave the UK, or you do something disgraceful, so they still have the job. King Charles probably didn't see the point on taking the jobs away since he's only got one child (when normally a monarch would've had more) to work as well, and no grandchildren who are old enough to work as well, and since they've done a great job so far, even though they're older.
For the same reason, King Charles III wouldn't have taken the job from his sister (who's the hardest working royal of them all, and with the biggest load of commitments) nor his little brother the Duke of Edinburgh (who's also known, along with his wife, for being incredibly hard-working and loyal to the family).
That means that when he wanted to slim-down the monarchy, what he meant was that if Prince William and Prince Harry were both working royals (which isn't the case any more), and at any point both of them had adult children who could be working royals while Charles was still king, then perhaps only William's children (and perhaps only George or George and Charlotte, but not Louis) would be working royals. That would've meant that Harry's children would've gotten to have relatively normal lives (as do all of Harry and William's cousins, to an extent, and Princess Anne's husband and children, to whom they didn't give royal titles so they could have lives as normal as possible) and pursue their own careers and personal interests, with more freedoms, in the way Harry seemed to want. When choosing who to make working royals, it only makes sense to do it on the way down of adults in order of line of succession, because the whole idea of being a working royal is preparing for either being or devoting your life to supporting a monarch.
So obviously, it wouldn't make sense now to try and narrow the working royals. I mean, who do you remove? King Charles will likely just wait for his elderly family to die before naming Prince George or Princess Charlotte, once they're adults, working royals.
And obviously, Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and their children at the moment have no chances of becoming working royals, unless they really do a massive reconcilliation with the royal family. It wouldn't just be about charming King Charles III; they'd have to charm the whole Privy Council.
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